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Spreading the word…

Over the last few weeks Jan Fennell has been taking part in a series of events to promote Dog Listening and Amichien Bonding..   There are many more to come this year and you can find the dates listed on Jan’s website  under ‘talks’ and ‘latest news’ As Dog Listeners we are helping dogs not […]


and ‘raring to go’  what a wonderful break Skye was,  breathtaking scenery and wonderful company.  To watch my dogs scampering about the hills and paddling in the sea (watched by very suspicious sheep!)  was a joy to behold. The sheep needn’t have worried my pooches have much more interesting things to occupy them when out,  […]

‘Listening Today’

Hello All 🙂 I am very proud to let you all know about the first Dog Listener’s newsletter,  it’s a collaboration between Dog Listeners worldwide and has been beautifully put together.   This newsletter really show’s how DL’s all over the world are working together for a better future for our canine friends enjoy 🙂 

Daniel’s night of PAIN!

by jove he did it … he really did it!  my brave boy had his chest and armpits waxed to raise some funds for SHAK and Many Tears Animal Rescue and here’s the link to the little film i made of the night 🙂  (i think i’m getting quite good at these!)

Holly’s new ‘Mum and Dad’!!!

Just to update all of you on Holly’s progress,  well what can i say?  don’t these pictures speak a thousand words… A huge thankyou to Bev and Robert who have now adopted Holly and given her the chance she deserves. Also to Stephen Wylie from SHAK for looking after Holly till a home could be […]

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